To prevent sexual harassment from happening in the workplace, our company endeavors to protect our employees from the threats of sexual harassment. Constructing a friendly working environment, we dedicate to promote the supervisors’ and employees’ concept of gender equity in accordance with Item 1, Article 3 of the Act of Gender Equality in Employment. With reference to the Regulations for Establishing Measures of Prevention, Correction, Complaint and Punishment of Sexual Harassment at Workplace announced by the Ministry of Labor, we would like to announce the declaration:

Nobody shall harass or assault others sexually. Neither does any language and body infringement or inappropriate offend should be conducted. No explicit or implicit sex approach, language with sex connotation or sex discrimination shall be made by supervisors to employees or candidates in job interviews as terms for the establishment, continuation, and change of labor contracts or terms for exchange in assignment, deployment, rewards, evaluation, promotion, demotion, or punishment.

To prevent sexual harassment from happening in the workplace, to protect our employees from the threats of sexual harassment, to build a friendly working environment, and to promote the concept of gender equity among supervisors and employee, and in accordance with Article of the Act of Gender Equality in Employment and the Regulations for Establishing Measures of Prevention, Correction, Complaint and Punishment of Sexual Harassment at Workplace announced by the Ministry of Labor, we would like to declare the following:

Nobody shall harass or assault others sexually or make linguistic or physical offences.

No supervisors should make explicit or implicit sexual advances to employees or interviewees, nor express sexual innuendos or gender-discriminatory conducts in return for the establishment, continuation, and alteration of labor contracts or as terms for exchange in job dispatch, deployment, remunerations, appraisal, promotion, demotion, reward or punishment.

When the Company is made aware of any sex assault or sexual harassment, the Company shall act immediately and take corrective and remedial measures, as well as handling complaints confidentially to ensure the privacy of both parties.



How to file a complaint regarding sexual harassment:

Hotline: (02)2586-5890 Human Resources

Fax: (02)2586-4805


To lodge a complaint on sexual harassment, it has to be done in writing with one’s name on it. If a complaint is made verbally, the handler or the handling unit shall compile a record, read it back to the one filing the complaint or have him/her read the record to verify its correctness and then sign or put his/her name chop on the record.


Complainer’s name, service unit, job title, home address, contact phone number, and date of complaint


In case of a statutory agent for a complaint, the letter of authorization should be submitted, containing the complainer’s name, home address and contact phone number.


Facts and content of the complaint


Sansin’s operation guidelines and complaint form for sexual harassment

Sansin Builders’ Measures of Prevention, Correction, Complaint and Punishment of Sexual Harassment at Workplace

Sansin Builders’ Sexual Harassment Complaint Form and Investigation Report